SUPPORT FORUMS FOR ZKITS >> ZKIT 5 Support forum >> flickering OC2

Message started by proud_indian on 07/17/09 at 15:43:35

Title: flickering OC2
Post by proud_indian on 07/17/09 at 15:43:35

Well. my Zkit has been installed and is breaking in. I remember Steve telling me that I should use the OC2 that flickers the least. I presently have three OC2's with me. One is the Raytheon that came with the kit and two Russian ones that I picked up from ebay.

I am presently running the Raytheon OC2 that you sent me and today it has begun to flicker.
Is it ok to run the system with the OC2 flickering?
I put in the Russian OC2, but it fires up and then dies... and does so again. Maybe I need to put in the resistor that was sent with the kit to load it.
What would you suggest.....keep using the raytheon or put in the resistor and run the other OC2?


shreekant :)

Title: Re: flickering OC2
Post by Steve Deckert on 07/17/09 at 23:24:39

Load the tube a little bit harder with the extra resistor.

Title: Re: flickering OC2
Post by proud_indian on 07/18/09 at 04:04:37


shreekant :)

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