SUPPORT FORUMS FOR DECWARE SPEAKER PLANS >> PRO 12 loudspeaker support forum >> Driver for Pro 12

Message started by asiquis on 07/17/09 at 14:48:00

Title: Driver for Pro 12
Post by asiquis on 07/17/09 at 14:48:00

Looks like getting the woofer suggested by Steve up here to Canada is going to be very much cost prohibitive, I can however get teh above driver here for about $90.  

What kind of crossover might I need to use these with the Selenium 210ti compression driver.

What other bits might I need.... L Pad?

I really need this part spelled out.


Title: Re: Driver for Pro 12
Post by Steve Deckert on 07/17/09 at 23:34:14

No problem with that.  Being a pro PA cabinet designed to go down to 60 Hz, virtually all of the Eminence drivers listed on that page will work.  Of course each will sound different.  As long as you use a 12 inch P.A. speaker or BASS guitar speaker you'll be fine.  Don't use guitar speakers unless you plan to use it with a guitar amp.


Title: Re: Driver for Pro 12
Post by mmclonis on 04/06/10 at 00:13:01

Question on this topic for you Steve, since you brought up the subject of the guitar speaker above.  If you are using a guitar speaker in the Pro12M design and using it for the purpose of playing guitar through it, would using the tuning board enhance or improve the sound of the lower frequencies?

Title: Re: Driver for Pro 12
Post by Steve Deckert on 04/06/10 at 03:28:11

It would, yes.  Simply have someone slowly insert it as you're playing and see if you like it.  We have played guitar through this cabinet without the tuning board and are very impressed with it.

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