SUPPORT FORUMS FOR ZKITS >> ZKIT 5 Support forum >> Hum issue

Message started by proud_indian on 06/08/09 at 07:46:01

Title: Hum issue
Post by proud_indian on 06/08/09 at 07:46:01

I am having a problem with the Zkit 5. The OC2 is not igniting, and hence a hum.I did try putting in a 150K bleed resistor and even doubled it with no results. The tube does not fire up.
Those who have tried it, can you give me your views?Are there people who have successfully DIY'ed the project?


shreekant :)

Title: Re: Hum issue
Post by Steve Deckert on 06/09/09 at 15:32:10

I answered your post on

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