Forums SPEAKER FORUMS >> HDT >> How do you position them ? Message started by franksmith on 02/16/06 at 01:15:45 |
Title: How do you position them ? Post by franksmith on 02/16/06 at 01:15:45 I'm playing with the positionment of my hdt. It would be nice from the hdt owners to give a small description of their positionment in their listening room with the room size. Are you listening to them directly focused or focused on your back or in front of you ? I'm not a fan of theses super synthetic soundstage so I tend to keep them relatively close together, what about you ? |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by crazy bill the eel killer on 02/16/06 at 02:28:16 Hello Franksmith, I have room restrictions, so I can't do exactly what I want. But here's my recommendations. LISTEN NEARFIELD. Put the speakers approx 8 ft apart, and sit approx 4-5 ft away. Toe the speakers in to about 15 degrees off axis to the listening position. Just a STARTING POINT. Experiment, and see what works for you. I am a firm believer in near field listening though. Happy listening, Bill :D |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by franksmith on 02/16/06 at 02:39:00 By listening to speaker in this position you don't feel that a signer is like 10 foot wide ? I used to listen to my quad in near field but was so so satisfied. Yesturday the hdt where 8 feets distanced and I was 9 feets from them. Tonight I tried to squeeze them to 6 feets between them and I'm sitting at 10 feets and it's pretty interesting. |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by crazy bill the eel killer on 02/16/06 at 12:20:55 Hello franksmith, To answer your question, absolutely not. What is does do, for me, is to increase the size of the soundstage. I have not noticed any increase in the size of the individual locations. Near field listening typically doesn't work for large multi-ways, line arrays, and large panel systems. I'm not surprised you didn't like it with the Quads. Play around, use what works best in your room. Bill ;D |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by RobLikesTubes on 02/18/06 at 15:26:35 My room is 12X13. The HDTs are on the short wall. 22" from rear wall. 26" from side walls. Approx. 7' apart measuring from the middle of drivers Listening position just under 8' away. I have them just slightly toed-in to where the inside passives are just barely visible from the drivers seat. They cross just slightly behind my head. I have slightly longer spikes in the front, creating a modest slant back. I have experimented with a lot of placement options, and this is by far the most satisfying placement. The room is not that big, so I locked in on this position pretty soon after breaking them in. I have not moved them other than slight toe-in/out in over a year. I also have a Sunfire True Sub, Jr. - it is placed directly between the speakers. Crossed at about 42hz, level set to 0db gain, phase set to zero, and only turned on for heavier rock and more demanding classical works. |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by Rap on 02/18/06 at 17:21:31 I have the exact same setup as Rob except my room is 13x15 so I have 8 feet between speakers. The rest is the same :) Oh I have a sub too set up the same and used on the same material (heavy rock/big symphony) only. Uncany :( RapLikesTubes. (uh having a personality chrysis) :) |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by RobLikesTubes on 02/18/06 at 18:34:19 Rap... There must be a tear in the universe via a black hole in my avatar leading to some sort of strange parallel existence. ??? that, or great minds/ears think alike.... here are some older pics of the room, prior to the addition of the PS Audio P600, and the center placement of the sub. |
Title: Re: How do you position them ? Post by franksmith on 02/20/06 at 02:15:39 My own room is about 25' long by 15' The speakers are about 38" from the back wall caused by a door. I may switch the side of the room I use to be able to put them closer to the back wall. One side of the room is open to a hall in a 45 degree angle so it's a pretty big open space. Probably why I didn't found a 2-3 watts amplifier enough to go in higher spl. Actualy I left only 6 foots between the 2 speakers and install myself only at 8-9 foots from them to try the near field solution. At 6 foots of distance I found the sound stage to be too irealistic (larger than real life, way too much seperation to have a singer localisable and full body). My new configuration is pleasing. |
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