I wanted to to make the open baffle folks aware of an upgrade (ymmv)
We found an article on the internet, discussing a certain open baffle design. I am attaching a link to the article.
There is a lot involved to the guys design, but what we got out of it, was his use of a rear-firing tweeter.
I think that most people decide to add a tweeter to an open baffle, to add a bit of top-end sparkle, and that can be a good thing. But this design incorporates the tweeter into a more seamless blend of extra treble.
The addition of this tweeter has made a pretty significant improvement to my overall sound. When I first read the article, I really keyed in on the tweeter addition. I went ahead and ordered the tweeters (
PRV Audio WG175Ph) and got them attached to the back of my baffles) I was not sure how to regulate the tweeter, so with the initial intention of adding top end sparkle, I started with a 1.5uf capacitor. I was startled at the result.
This added another dimension to the overall sound. Lacking real technical knowledge, I got in touch with Palomino, to let him know about this (we have similar baffle designs). He ended up getting the tweeters to try, and also liked the result. However he took things a big step further, by using a higher value cap, and more importantly, reversing polarity in the connections from tweeter to full-range drivers. Yep - that was the ticket.
We pretty much decided on 4.7uf caps, but have also used 6.8uf. I like both, and still rotate back and forth.
Here is the link to the original article. The fellows name is Perry Marshall.
https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/live-edge-dipoles-1-at-parts-express-...He states that the tweeter sounds best at a 30 degree angle up. I just looked at pictures of the back of his baffles to make a guess at height from the floor, and distance from the back baffle face. I am about 19” from the floor, and about 4” from the rear of the baffle (4” to top edge of tweeter face)
My baffles:

The authors baffles: