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ZMA w/ K-Horns (Read 1576 times)
Senior Member

Posts: 80
ZMA w/ K-Horns
10/15/21 at 03:12:39
I want to add a ZMA to my collection, i can’t find the article that points out what the upgrades do for the amp and i can’t choose what if any upgrades i want.
Furthermore, i want to run it in my main system w/ my K-horns. I would be using my Vinnie Rossi L2i SE as a pre-amp to add a tiny bit of DHT300B magic to the ZMA clarity. I’m looking to squeeze every little last bit out of these K-horns. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge good or  bad w/ this combo?
Any reason why i should NOT get the ZMA?

I’ve run the same combo w/ a 341.5 and i enjoy it very much, i want to see what the ZMA would do.
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Innuos Zenith MKIII > Lampizator Baltic3 > SE341.5 > Heresy or Falcon LS3/5A or Tube-Tots.
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 2731
Re: ZMA w/ K-Horns
Reply #1 - 10/15/21 at 06:25:56
Get it fully loaded it will save shipping $ and wear-and- tear later.
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Technics 1200G TT w/ Ortofon Jubilee MC cart
ZP3 (25th A Mods)
ZR2 (25th A Mods)
CSP3 (25th A mods)
ZMA (25th A mods)
Homemade Big Betsy Speakers (F15s)
Silver Cabling
DIY Isolation platforms under amps & TT.
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 1222
Re: ZMA w/ K-Horns
Reply #2 - 10/15/21 at 09:49:40

If you load a ZMA amp into the cart, you'll see various options available to include with your order. I for one would recommend getting all of the 25th Anniversary options and a wood base that suits your taste.

Based on discussions I had with will, a regular poster with extensive modification knowledge, I also had Steve add Decware silver RCA inputs, a Furutech IEC (model w/ built in fuse holder), and WBT speaker terminals. These non- Decware add one are not covered under the lifetime warranty. These add on were purchased from Parts Connexion.

Also, I found upgrading the IEC fuse improved the sound quality. I use a Synergistic Research Orange fuse. Anyway, that's my list and I really love this amp.

While I don't have listening experience with the K-horns, my Caintuck Audio Lii15+ speakers have similar sensitivity. The ZMA and CSP3+ preamp easily drive these speakers. Good luck.

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Nottingham Interspace TT > Modwright PH 9.0XT phono preamp OR MWI modded Cambridge CNX V2 > CSP3-25th Ann. preamp > STL STR-1002 Super > ZMA-25th Ann. amp > PI Audio UberBUSS > Caintuck Audio Lii15 Magnum speakers > SDFB's > SA AUVA's > SRA & ZenWave cables
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