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25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks (Read 26276 times)
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Posts: 2731
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #100 - 05/03/20 at 22:55:52
If the hum is there without the source connected then it would be the CSP3.  It could also be tube related*.  Given the lack of anniversary mods in your CSP3, it may now be the "weak link."  I've had the mods done to all of my components.

Steve told me to put my ZMA volume to full and use the master volume on the CSP3.  I don't do that since I think it sort of defeats the purpose of having all of that voltage potential of the CSP3.  I push my CSP3 settings towards the high side and throttle back the ZMA pot.  I've got a lot more watts than you and I tend to listen at 50% on the ZMA.  I tend to listen loud too.

I don't see a reason that your line voltage would effect the CSP3 voltages but I assume Steve made the chart from his 120 volt version.

*A possibly related thing to this issue is that I was chasing a "whistle" I was getting in my right channel that I assumed was related to my ZMA tubes.  After swapping every tube right to left, I finally found that the problem was with the front tube in my CSP3.
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Technics 1200G TT w/ Ortofon Jubilee MC cart
ZP3 (25th A Mods)
ZR2 (25th A Mods)
CSP3 (25th A mods)
ZMA (25th A mods)
Homemade Big Betsy Speakers (F15s)
Silver Cabling
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"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #101 - 05/04/20 at 01:25:03
I hope you can resolve the hum. The two times I have had hum with my CSP3 in the system the problem was not the CSP3. One time it was the fact that I had my cable tv DVR connected to the system. The hum was coming in on the coaxial cable itself. I put a filter in line and the hum went away. (Later when Time Warner was sold to Spectrum and Spectrum changed over the cable tech frowned on it and told me to take it out I did so. . . the hum had gone away). The second time it was a cable placement issue. I am not sure which power cable was next to an interconnect that caused the problem but I think that was the issue. I ended up dismantling my whole cable loom and re-routing things to more effectively isolate power and signal cables and the hum went away.

Though expensive, the 25th Anniversary mod to the CSP3 is transformative. It's good pre-mods, it's really great after.

I play around with the gain between my DAC, ZTPRE, ZROCK2 and CSP3 and input gain on my Monoblocks. I have the Monoblocks at about 3/4 volume, the ZROCK2 pretty pumped up, the CSP3 outputs about 60 percent, and the ZTPRE about 70 percent. Usually my DAC is at 100 but I sometimes knock it back 5 or 10 percent. I control master volume via the ZTPRE. I can get incredible sound playing about with these gain values.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #102 - 05/04/20 at 03:35:11
I’m glad I read your post closely, Lon. I had not considered turning my DSDac up that much. It usually stays down around 80. Cranking up my amp and the DAC much higher, and controlling the volume with the CSP3 has just given me my best sound yet. My pre outputs are about 70%. Much more density like this.

Archie, I’ll be glad when I get my knobs for the CSP3. Having to adjust between phono and digital is driving me crazy. I need a reference point! I did put a black sticker pointer on my gold pre volume and that has really helped.
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(2)SE84UFO(Balanced Monoblocs) OR Sansui AU222
Cambrge Audio CXN(ModWright)
Crown XLS-1002
SL1210MK5(KAB Mods) Soundsm Aida MKll cart • Darlingt.Labs MP8b
Otari MX5050-Bll2 R2R
ZLC Power Cond
Lii Audio PT-10 OR F-12 OR Betsy Alnico 8"/ W-15 in Open Baffle
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"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #103 - 05/04/20 at 11:47:44
Great Geno. Lots to be discovered with the CSP3 and its gain and the gain of other components.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 224
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #104 - 03/05/21 at 16:06:42
hey Lon

recieved a pair of tube 80 rectifiers today, and of course, since im a moron, i didnt get the adapters. could you supply a link for these? forever noob, i cant bother to buy the wrong ones, so this my way of making sure  to get correct ones

the ones i bought is rca, values: 1556/1450 (800) or so its written on the tube with pen, so just think thats what was found when tested. is this an ok version? no to expensive

also; you use "alternative" input tubes on the monos? 7308? i tried to find some , and found them pretty expensive, any recommondations?
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"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #105 - 03/05/21 at 17:43:22
There are lots of alternatives on eBay, here's one:



Almost all I have seen are from China or Hong Kong, and you have a 14 to 20 day wait or so. I used to have an American source but I think they have dried up.

As for the input tubes . . . I hestitate to make specific recommendations because I have found that even the ROOM makes a difference--tubes I didn't prefer in my living room I prefer upstairs with the same system, and vice versa. You can use so many different types! I really like the Russian NOS tubes from Steve--if you are going to use 6N1P or 6N6P get them from Steve--it's a crapshoot otherwise out on the internet. Steve tests and matches his meticulously. You can use 6922, 7DJ8, so many more. This page I find to be a useful guide:


I've gone beyond the pale perhaps. I use 6N5P, 6N6P, 6SN7 with converters, 6085 with converters, tend to rotate these as the fancy strikes me. Lately the 6SN7 and 6085 have stuck.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 224
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #106 - 03/06/21 at 14:12:08
Thank you for your input Lon
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Posts: 15
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #107 - 12/31/21 at 11:50:17
Hi Lon, great read.  Sweet monoblocks for sure.  

May I ask, what input jacks are mounted on the chasis, and how many?

I'm curious if I can get 25th anniv monoblocks, each with an XLR input.  I prefer to avoid a ZBit or XLR-RCA adapter cables as described in "bridging into mono" in the owner's manual.
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Roon server -> HQPlayer i12900 server -> Holo Audio Red -> T+A DAC200 -> Sarah 300B -> LiiAudio F15 open baffles
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"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #108 - 12/31/21 at 13:10:42
There are two inputs on each Monoblock, RCA single-ended. I think you can only use ONE source, the other will serve as a pass-through to a sub-woofer or another preamp (I used to use it to send the signal to a Taboo headphone amp).

Whether there is room to have an XLR input and transformer or not. . . is a question for Steve. I'm not sure. . .it may be a bit difficult of a fit. Would add a considerable amount to the cost of each Monoblock as well.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 465
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #109 - 01/03/22 at 19:07:01
I have really been enjoying these amps over the years. Can't believe how much time has gone by.

I think I'm now ready to try out fuses. I've looked at the manual but still a bit unsure which replacement sizes I should get. 5x20mm 3 amp. 250v, 500v? slo blo, fast blo? I'm thinking I'll start with the purple quantum. Any advice on which size to order or other fuses I should consider?
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VPI Classic Signature | Urushi Black | Sky 20 | ZP3 | SDFB
DirectStream DAC (APS nickel transformers, Vocm mod)
Omega Super 3 HO XRS | Deep 8
Zenwave D4 | PCR-11 | PI Audio Uberbuss
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"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #110 - 01/03/22 at 19:16:05
You want 250V Slow Blo 5 x 20. I have really enjoyed Audio Magic "Super" fuses which have a big body, bold sound, available in 3A value. A deeper and more neutral by a hair sound is found with the new Synergistic Research Purple fuse. They offer a 3.15A value that works very well. These are my new favorites. In time I'll replace all my fuses with Purple.

I recommend using thecablecompany.com -- a fine outfit to do business with, they will give you the real article, not a fake, and over time they offer discounted prices on most items for repeat customers that are hard to beat.

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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 465
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #111 - 01/03/22 at 20:16:30
Thank you, Lon! Just the information I was looking for.
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VPI Classic Signature | Urushi Black | Sky 20 | ZP3 | SDFB
DirectStream DAC (APS nickel transformers, Vocm mod)
Omega Super 3 HO XRS | Deep 8
Zenwave D4 | PCR-11 | PI Audio Uberbuss
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Posts: 15
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #112 - 01/03/22 at 20:33:31
Perfect explanation, thanks.  I'll inquire with Steve.   

I just realized something.  Initially, I completely missed that these were SE84UFO3s, I thought they were a mod'ed pair of stereo SE84UFO25s, maybe bridged internally or something.  Amazing that you're enjoying such great performance from 2-ish watt amps.
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Roon server -> HQPlayer i12900 server -> Holo Audio Red -> T+A DAC200 -> Sarah 300B -> LiiAudio F15 open baffles
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"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #113 - 01/03/22 at 20:38:55
It is astonishing really the great, full sound I get from these Monoblocks. The HR-1 are not the most efficient, but relatively efficient speakers, and the density that the preamps and the ZROCK2 give me are also an important factor.

I have occasionally thought about other amps, but I haven't the dollars to experiment, and I really just am so happy with the sound I have and love settling back into the music and the musical presentation.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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"Life without
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Posts: 714
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #114 - 01/03/22 at 21:58:17
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SEWE300B | STR-1002 | ZBIT | Sonore opticalRendu| Denafrips Terminator DAC | Denafrips Gaia DDC | SDFB-Graphene Slugs | Decware I/Cs | Decware Pwr Cbls | ZWIRE Speaker Cbls | Omega SAHOM & KEF KC62 | Furman Cond l GIK Room Trmt
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Posts: 1222
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #115 - 01/03/22 at 22:35:56
Keep in mind Synergistic Research has buy 2 get one free offers for fuses through their dealer network a couple times each year. The Cable Company and VH Audio are both solid sellers.

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Nottingham Interspace TT > Modwright PH 9.0XT phono preamp OR MWI modded Cambridge CNX V2 > CSP3-25th Ann. preamp > STL STR-1002 Super > ZMA-25th Ann. amp > PI Audio UberBUSS > Caintuck Audio Lii15 Magnum speakers > SDFB's > SA AUVA's > SRA & ZenWave cables
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"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 25th Anniversary SE84UFO3 Monoblocks
Reply #116 - 01/03/22 at 22:38:17
Yeah. I don't think they've had one since December 2020. And I inquired recently of the Cable Company if they would have one soon and they had no information to impart. So. . .it might be a while.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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