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Before you even consider room treatments of any kind you must first know where the problems are in your room ...right? You must also know where the optimum positions are  for your speakers and listening chair.Without this knowledge the VAST improvement that room treatment products yield will be compromised!    

The condition of your listening room, the manner in which it is furnished and the position of your loudspeakers and favorite listening chair WILL have a GREATER influence over the resulting sound than any other part of your audio system.  

Changing cables, pre-amps and power amps can make differences in the range of .1 to 1 dB. Changing speakers can make differences in the range of 1 to 5 dB. Changing your environment and speaker/listener position can make differences of as much as 15 dB!  

If you're inclined to experiment, you may want to take your speakers outdoors and well away from the house. Listen to them and compare the sound to that which you remember from indoor use. The DIFFERENCES you hear are due almost entirely to your listening room.  

Whether you are a casual listener who relaxes in the easy chair with a magazine while enjoying your favorite CD or a dedicated audiophile, you have the opportunity to improve the performance of your system by simply re-arranging a few pieces of furniture.   

Until now, finding proper speaker and listener positioning to avoid the worst of the negative room influences has been a matter of trial and error - listen, move, listen, move, listen, move - the outcome of which retains a degree of uncertainty.  

Using acoustical modeling software that allows us to move simulated speakers and a simulated listener around in a simulated room we are able to view the predicted response as it is affected by STANDING WAVES and EARLY REFLECTIONS from nearby room boundaries - the two greatest detriments to a satisfying music system.  

If you would like calculate room scenarios yourself, we recommend the following fine software:

An invaluable tool for finding the best place in your room for the speakers and listening position in order to minimize the negative effects of standing waves and boundary reflections. For Windows 3.1/95/NT.

Visual Ears


KB Acoustics

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